upon setting fire to one’s bed
rumors and questions will rise from the ashes
was it an accident or arson or art
a symbolic feminist statement or an anti-smoking demonstration
an alien attraction or spontaneous combustion
was it a twin, queen or king
a Sealy or a futon or a waterbed
hard, firm or goose down soft
was it bare, made or rumpled
silk, satin or cotton
solid, plaid or print
was it smoldering or smothering or stifling
lackluster or spectacular
a one alarm or three humdinger
was it an isolated act by solitary suspect
the first in a series by an international terrorist
a new form of performance art by an imaginative poet
was there a profit and loss statement issued
a press release or an annual report
a temporary injunction
was a hot line formed
a national recall issued or a web site created
an environmental impact statement
was it the anniversary of an historic event
a memorial service or a political rally
a call to arms or merely an unfortunate oversight
(c) 2014 Ruthie-Marie Beckwith